by Redi-Box | Feb 28, 2017 | Moving Boxes, Moving Supplies |

Moving can be a hugely stressful event. In addition to going to a new location, there is so much to think about! So many things to do, so many people to contact, so many items to be packed.
One thing that can massively simplify the process is making a list. Lists bring everything together in a simple, easy to follow process.
To save you time, we created the ultimate moving checklist for you. Each of the items below is a question you need to answer. Once you’ve answered the question, you can move on to the next one. We’ve arranged it by descending order, starting with the things you need to do 2 months prior to your move and ending 1 week after your move.
60 Days Prior To Move
- Have you gotten quotes from at least three moving companies?
- Will they come to your home and estimate so that your quote is accurate?
- Have you talked to family and friends to ensure that these companies are reliable?
- Have you read reviews of the companies online?
- Have you determined how much packing supplies you need? Do you have a specified spot to store all your packing materials so that you don’t need to hunt for them?
- Have you researched your new community to prepare you for the move?
- Do you know which schools are the best?
- Do you know what restaurants there are?
- Do you know what grocery stores are close to your new home?
- Do you have people to drive your cars to your new home?
- Have you had all your expensive items appraised so that they can be properly insured prior to your move?
- Is your move related to your job? If so, have you researched your company’s moving policy? Are any subsidies available for moving costs?
- Have you gotten rid of all unnecessary items either by a yard sale, recycling, or simple purge?
- Do you have a record of all the items in your household (your phone makes it easy to record a video or snap photos)?
- Have you transferred all your insurance policies to your new address (this includes your medical, property, auto and fire insurance)?
- Do you have a designated folder where all expenses related to the move can be recorded and stored (moving expenses are tax-deductible, which means you’ll want to keep all the records in a single location)?
- Have you notified old schools regarding your move?
- Have you transferred records to the new schools?
- Have you registered at new schools?
- Have you alerted all your doctors and dentists regarding here move?
- Do you have medical referrals for your new community?
- Have you obtained all necessary medical records that you’ll need in your new location?
- Have you transferred all necessary membership associations to your new community?
- Have you arranged for family members and pets to be transported to your new location?
- If flying, have you purchased tickets?
- Have you reserved hotel rooms (if necessary)?
- Do you have referrals for veterinarians in your new community?
30 Days Before You Move
by Redi-Box | Aug 16, 2016 | Cardboard Moving Boxes, Moving Boxes, Moving Supplies
Are you in Chicago and looking to relocate your home or office? If yes, then the first set and most important moving supplies you must get is moving boxes. Often people in Chicago struggle to find moving boxes for a reasonable price because they are not aware of where they can get moving boxes locally. Below, you will find the list of places offering cheap moving boxes in Chicago.

1. Craigslist: It is one of the most popular source when people are looking for cheap moving boxes. If you are lucky, you can even get some boxes for free through this platform. There are two ways of finding moving boxes through Craigslist. You can look for ads posted by people looking to give away boxes for free or sell them for cheap. The best time to look for good deals on boxes is around the weekends or Mondays. The other way of getting hold of cheap moving boxes through Craigslist is by posting ads in the site’s wanted section.
Use Craigslist’s search box to find cheap moving boxes. Once you get connected to the sellers, you will have the option of negotiating with them. If you want, you can swap items you already own, but don’t want any longer for getting boxes at an even lower price.
The problem with craigslist is that it is time consuming to find boxes, and the boxes you do find are already going to be used and damaged from the previous move. (more…)
by Redi-Box | Feb 26, 2016 | Moving Boxes
Although our green moving boxes are red in color, they are very GREEN when it comes to the environmental footprint. Since we all want a better environment for us and our future generations in Chicago, it is everyone’s responsibility to take action on making this planet clean and healthy. Not only are our moving boxes green, they are convenient, more durable and economical.
When trying to make a positive impact on Chicago’s environmental footprint, it is important to have good eco-friendly habits. The most adopted and catchy approach is using the 3 R’s.

Eco-Friendly Green Moving Boxes
The 3 R’s (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)
by Redi-Box | Oct 23, 2015 | Cardboard Moving Boxes, Moving Boxes
We know you have many options when it comes to your move…. Should I hire Movers? Can I borrow Tom’s truck or should I rent one? Should I get cardboard moving boxes from Uhaul or should I rent moving boxes from Redi-Box? Don’t worry because we are going to answer that last question for you!
Cardboard Moving Boxes

Pros of Cardboard Moving Boxes
by Redi-Box | Jul 23, 2013 | Chicago, Moving Boxes
Redi-Box featured on
Yes, you are hearing correctly. Granted I only have a one bedroom apartment, but as we know, I have an awful lot of shtuff. I was 90% unpacked and settled in at my new ladyplace in less than 48 hours (more like 24 hours) after my movers arrived on Sunday evening.
And I did it thanks in large part to one hyphenated word: Redi-box. Thirty of these red plastic boxes were dropped in my living room on the requested day and I threw any and all of my non-furniture item into one. (Note: pups did not travel in boxes.) Moving all of the knick knacks–like kitchenware, decorative items, even some clothes, and the entire contents of my bar–became super easy…
by Redi-Box | Oct 22, 2012 | Chicago, Moving Boxes
Redi-Box featured on

When it came to the move, the easiest part of the whole process was hands down working with Redi-Box. (more…)